
Saturday, November 19, 2005

In Memoriam 1966-2005

Scott Hooper was born 11-11-1966 and passed to spirit 11-17-2005, he was 39.

He loved crochet and his legacy will go on. He was the founder of and he is the Cofounder of the Crochet Pride Web Ring and the MSN CrochetDepot , which no longer exits, but here at The Ywisted Skein in the Yuku Community, we had a place to have fun, we used to no longer alive, we are just having fun in his name..

Requiscat in pace.
Requiem aeternam dona tibi, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat tibi. Requiscat in Pace.

Eternal rest grant thee, and light perpetual shine upon thee. Rest in peace.

It is through death that we are reborn to eternal life.

Para Scott ,Andrito, un boricua, que te querrĂ¡ por siempre.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Granny Guy

This is a test using Blogger with my blog software,


here is my blog button